Applying the Ultra Marathon and Ultra Swimming Mindset to Your Tech Start-up Journey


Embarking on a tech start-up journey can be likened to the grueling challenges of multistage ultra marathons and ultra swims. I just recently swam (June ‘23) a whopping 33.3 KM (equivalent of the English Channel crossing) over 4 days in Croatia and am currently training for a ridiculous multi stage 170 km high altitude ultra trail run in Tibet… It got me thinking…Just as these endurance events involve a lot of training, preparation and execution over consecutive stages, building a successful company requires a very similar long-term commitment and multiple iterations of effort. In this blog, we will explore how the concept of multistage ultra races and the importance of building a team and seeking coaching support can be seamlessly integrated into the entrepreneurial journey, while highlighting the role of my latest tech startup, Microshift AI, a personal growth coach for ambitious business professionals.

The Iterative Nature of Multistage Ultras

Similar to the iterative process of building a tech start-up, multistage ultra events involve completing a series of tough stages over several days. Recognize that success in both endeavors is not achieved in a single day but rather through multiple stages of growth, learning, and adaptation. When it’s hilly on an ultra trail run, slow the pace and dig in, walk if needed, but don’t quit. When the water is choppy on an open water swim, keep your head down and try not to drink the ocean! And in business, fail fast, but don’t repeat your mistakes. And when you hit obstacles, turn your setbacks into stepping stones and keep moving forward.

Endurance, Perseverance, and Building a Team

Multistage ultra races test athletes' endurance and perseverance, much like the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Just as athletes rely on a team of coaches and support staff for guidance and motivation, entrepreneurs can benefit from building a supportive team. Surround yourself with individuals who share your vision, complement your skills, and provide guidance and support when needed. Collaborating with a diverse and skilled team can enhance your start-up's chances of success.

Adapting to Different Stages and Coaching Support

In multistage ultras, athletes must adapt to varying conditions and distances. Similarly, entrepreneurs must adapt to different stages of their start-up journey. Seek coaching support, such as Microshift AI, a personal growth coach for ambitious business professionals, to help you navigate the challenges, get unstuck, maintain a positive mindset, keep moving forward and develop the resilience necessary for success. Just as physical coaching supports athletes in excelling, coaching and personal growth can empower entrepreneurs to excel in their business endeavors.

Course Correction

In ultra races, athletes need to make constant adjustments to stay on track. Similarly, entrepreneurs must be adaptable and willing to correct their course when necessary. Setbacks and fluctuations in motivation are normal, but the key lies in never quitting and keeping forward momentum. By staying open to change and quickly responding to challenges, you can steer your start-up towards success. Microshift AI can provide daily support, helping you with developmental strategies, resilience-building, stamina, and course correction to keep you on track.

Learning from Previous Stages and Reflective Intelligence

In multistage ultra races, athletes learn from each stage to improve their performance in subsequent stages. Your training plan and your race plan, which includes hydration, nutrition and recovery, should adapt and evolve depending on your physical condition and the nature of the race that you’re tackling. Entrepreneurs should also embrace a mindset of continuous learning and reflective intelligence. Regularly reflect on your previous experiences, successes, and failures in your start-up journey. Extract valuable insights and apply them to refine your strategies, make informed decisions, and improve your chances of success in future stages. Stay agile, keep adapting.

Building Stamina, Resilience, and Personal Growth

Multistage ultra events demand physical and mental stamina. Similarly, the start-up journey requires entrepreneurs to build resilience and stamina. Take care of your physical and mental well-being, practice self-care. By focusing on continuous personal growth, you can enhance your stamina, resilience, and ability to overcome the challenges encountered on your entrepreneurial journey. As an entrepreneur, you can afford to take a pause, reflect and recharge but you cannot afford to stay stuck. The same goes for open water ultra swimming…you can take a pause, but you have to stay warm and you’ve gotta keep swimming!


Building a tech start-up shares similarities with multistage ultra races. Embrace the iterative nature of the journey, recognize the importance of building a team, and seek coaching and personal growth support to enhance your chances of success. Draw inspiration from the endurance and perseverance required in multistage ultra events, while leveraging the assistance of Microshift AI as a personal growth coach for ambitious business professionals. By integrating these elements seamlessly into your entrepreneurial journey, you can navigate the challenges, build resilience, and maintain a positive mindset as you build a successful and fulfilling company. And of course, you need a warped mindset to envision and build a tech start up, so what better way than to set ridiculous ultra physical and personal growth goals to support you on the journey!

Check Out

Ultra Swim 33.3 - for ultra swimming

Envol Swimrun - for swimrun adventures

Mustang Trail Race - for ultra run in Tibet

Natural Run Club - for monthly running coaching with Team Envol

Training For Ultra - how to enjoy training and achieve the impossible


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